How to

“Do the F*LIQ!” a window cleaning method.

Do the F*LIQ!” from Moerman is a window cleaning method, launched in 2016, that became a wildly successful hype right from the start.

In short, Jack’s favorite combo (Liquidator channel, Excelerator grip, extension pole, angle adapter, F*LIQ pad) are the key to the successful use of doing the F*LIQ.

Learn the pattern: choose your angle, flip the F*LIQ pad over the squeegee, soap up the window, flip the F*LIQ pad back, start fanning and close out properly.
That is why “Do the F*LIQ!” has become the ultimate window cleaning term to describe optimal advanced (pole) work with Moerman gear.

The great thing of this tool is that when the window is done, it is done, there is nothing more to wipe except for the bottom.
Do the F*LIQ is not only spectacular and impressive for customers to see but also the most effective method of cleaning windows.

So keep practicing, master the iconic F*LIQ move and simply find more joy in your work.

The unseen, massive call worldwide for a Fugu F*LIQ pad started immediately after the launch of the Fugu sleeve and left us no choice but to take this up into our assortment as a newbie for 2022.


The Fugu F*LIQ pad is availably as from January, 2022.

The unseen, massive call worldwide for a Fugu F*LIQ pad started immediately after the launch of the Fugu sleeve and left us no choice but to take this up into our assortment as a newbie for 2022.